Clark helps tutoring businesses grow by cutting down on admin work by 30%.
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Made for you
Clark makes it easy to communicate with your clients, track each session, and send invoices so you can spend less time trying to get paid and more time building relationships.
“It used to take me two days to figure out what everyone had done and how much to pay them. Now, with Clark, I can do it in a matter of an hour.”
-Fred Tabeek,
FRED Center, Boston
All-in-one Solution
Clark's business management software is an all-in-one tool to schedule new sessions, automatically remind students of upcoming sessions, and handle all client payments.
Full Service Support
Clark’s best-in-class implementation and customer support teams are on call to make sure your transition is seamless and answer any questions you have through the process.
“What really sets Clark apart is their commitment to understanding our business, responding to feedback, and continuously refining the product.”
-Sarah Gonzales,
Tungsten Prep, DC Area
The Blog
If you're interested in getting started as a tutor, there's no better time to start than the present. The demand for...
If you're interested in getting started as a tutor, there's no better time to start than the present. The demand for educators outside of the traditional classroom is growing, and as a home-based business without a huge amount of physical...
Last week, New York Times columnist David Brooks published an opinion piece on the nature of learning-on the...
Last week, New York Times columnist David Brooks published an opinion piece on the nature of learning-on the fundamental link between cognition and connection, and about the essential relationships that are at the heart of education.
One of the questions I get asked all the time as CEO is—who’s Clark? Where did the name come from? Well, like all...
One of the questions I get asked all the time as CEO is—who’s Clark? Where did the name come from? Well, like all good origin stories, Clark’s has layers (and a superhero).
How it works
We help you set up your account and configure all of your settings up front so you can start logging sessions right away.